
The Encodify Ad builder, Web2Print, allows you greater control over brand identity when creating marketing content while reducing errors by enabling non-technical users to turn creatives into smart dynamic templates to generate content such as signage or in-store labels.


Brief & Estimate

Supplier & Partner Collaboration

Product Information Management

Digital Assets Management

Project & Task Management

Creative Automation

Promotion Planning

Online Proofing



& Invoicing

The core features of Web2Print

Create your content

Streamline asset production and focus on doing high-value work. Allow anyone to use the template editor to self-serve their content needs.

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Customise the content dependant on settings in the dynamic template
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Advanced image cropping ensuring we maintain correct dpi
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Generate the final document
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Save the PDF file to your DAM or download for printing

Take control of your brand

Export your templates directly from Adobe InDesign and convert them into editable templates.

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Create your content in Adobe InDesign
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Tag document elements using our purposely built plugin
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Export from Adobe InDesign once finalised

Unleash the power of dynamic templates

Convert your static document into a reusable template. These purposely built templates ensure brand alignment worldwide or locally and provide greater control.

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Connect your template to data stored within Encodify

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Lock fields to make sure that legal copy is consistent and apply rules where it should be dynamic

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Allow your template to be scaled from one size to another

Protect your brand

We allow for greater control over brand identity when creating marketing content and ensure a reduction in errors.

Product content faster for less

We enable you to give access to non-technical users within stores to create branded assets allowing for you to eliminate repetitive tasks and ensure your workforce can focus on high value work.

Connect to your content

We ensure that approved assets uploaded to your DAM or PIM can be utilised when creating your marketing content removing data silos

Encodify is used by

Ready to connect 
your marketing workflows
with Encodify?

Check out the plans

Check out our plans to find out which is right for you, and how you can customize it to perfection.

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Contact sales

Book a free demo and we'll show you how the 
Encodify platform will help connect your marketing efforts.

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